THINKING IS LIGHT AND SOUND (2013). Exhibition view: Galleri Rotor. Photo by Hendrik Zeitler.
4-channel video installation. HD. 16:9. Color. 4-channel sound.
Transparent plastic canvas, aluminum bars and wires.
Clouds slide along the billboard-like structure hanging from the ceiling in Gallery Rotor. Invoking a sense of confined infinity – submerging the audience in sonic and visual ambiance – THINKING IS LIGHT AND SOUND reflects on notions of thinking, light and sound through the object of the cloud.
In collaboration with musician and sound engineer Mikael Buller, the sound of gallery space has been recorded through a method of amplifying and playing back the silence of the room into the room itself, creating a fluid and mesmerizing drone of reverberating tones. Speaking becomes impossible as the bodies of the audience absorb the room.
THINKING IS LIGHT AND SOUND (2013). Exhibition view: Galleri Rotor. Photo by Hendrik Zeitler.
THINKING IS LIGHT AND SOUND (2013). Exhibition view: Galleri Rotor. Photo by Hendrik Zeitler.
Video and audio recording in collaboration with Mikael Buller.