Confessions: Personal Attention (2023). Installation view.

MRT (2014). Film still.

Single channel video. 5 min. HD. 16:9. Color. Stereo sound.

An aged psychologist sits before the camera. She seems to be speaking.

MRT confronts the viewer with the beating sound of an MRI scanner observing a brain. Actualizing the potential relations between psychology and neuroscience, between machinic and human, it asks: can an MRI scanner be a therapist?

MRT (2014). Film still.

MRT (2014). Film still.

MRT (2014). Film still.

Exhibition views: 3:e Våningen (2015), Tonight's Pop-up (2014)


fMRI or MRI is a radiological technique measuring brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow. During the scanning process the characteristic pounding and mechanically knocking sound is produced as a result of changes in the scanner's magnetic field. fMRI is increasingly being used to observe and understand the human mind. It plays a major part in the current project of mapping the neural correlates of consciousness.


CAST   Hester Renouf

Exhibition views: Frölunda Kulturhus (2015)